False insurance claims

Irrespective to medium, small, or large-scale companies, victimised by false insurance claiming. We at SAGA enterprises, assist various organisations in case of false insurance claims. Accuser usually claims huge compensation using some fraud techniques which creates financial burden on company.

False insurance claims can include:

Accidental insurance: In accidental insurance case, subject try to show fake seriousness consequences and demands bigger compensation. We disclose non-severity of an accident by genuine medical reports of subject.

Life insurance: In case of life insurance, if maturity amount is large, subject mislead insurance company by fake announcement of death. With our expertise in investigation we investigate and detect the frauds.

Travel insurance: Fraudsters try to retrieve huge travel amount from travel company. Usually, uncontrolled atmosphere incidents and false claims takes place for huge gain in short duration. Hence, it is difficult to validate such blind claims. We at SAGA find out the root evidence and justify the validity of announcement.

In false insurance claiming incidences, we help you in your battle to find the fact. Through our expertise in document verification, character report and background verification, we generate detailed report in your favour.

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